《頑皮世界》— 黑雞先生個展-新苑藝術
The exhibition “Naughty World” is originated from having my daughter in the beginning of 2018. I realized that lives are precious and fragile in the process of taking care of my child. I felt not only joy but also anxious about the future of children. The world was full of negative energy such as the evil of men, the ecological catastrophe, and the political chaos. As a father, educating my next generation is my duty, and as an artist, telling story to people about the truth of this world through my art is my ability.
Therefore, in my solo exhibition at 2020, I no longer use hard words and complicated discourse. I just want to use my familiar style of painting to depict my story of being a father for the first time and expectation to the world. I try to introduce the world to my beloved daughter with Mr.OGAY’s sense of humor.
系列作品《Women are Heroes》挪用了許多知名圖像符碼來歌頌女性的偉大和辛勞,眾多令人熟悉的場景和人物都使人會心一笑,不禁佩服黑雞先生那惡搞無極限的創意和想像力。
The new series “Women are Heroes” appropriates many well-known images and codes to praise the greatness and hard work of women. I hope the familiar characters and scenes could bring people laugh and smile.
牙刷 / Tooth Brush
壓克力 畫布 Acrylic on canvas
40 x 40 cm
睡不著 / Can’t Sleep
壓克力 畫布 Acrylic on canvas
40 x 40 cm
《頑皮世界》— 黑雞先生個展 《Naughty World》—Solo Exhibition by Mr. OGAY
展覽期間 Duration|2020/03/14(六) - 2020/04/17(五)
開幕時間 Opening|020/03/14(六) 3:00pm
開放時間 opening hours|13:00-18:00,周一休館 (Tue-Sun)
1F, No.17, Aly.51, Ln.12, Ba-de Rd. Sec.3, Taipei, Taiwan