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采泥藝術《低限.冷抽.九人展 》


Minimalism · Cold Abstraction - Contemporary Abstract Art in Taiwan 

策展人:蕭瓊瑞 HSIAO, Chong-Ray  
霍剛 HO, Kan
莊普 TSONG, Pu
曲德義 CHU, Teh-I
胡坤榮 HU, Kun-Jung
蔡志榮 Dino TSAI
劉永仁 LIU, Yung-Jen
宋曉明 SONG, Sheau-Ming
耿晧剛 KENG, Hao-Kang
吳東龍 WU, Tung-Lung 

展覽介紹 About the Exhibition

文/策展人 蕭瓊瑞教授

抽象藝術自上世紀的第一個十年,在歐洲形成以來,便有所謂帶著表現性的「熱抽」(Hot Abstract)和偏向理性思考的「冷抽」(Cold Abstract)兩大路向。前者,以康定斯基為代表,日後以美國帶著行動特質的「抽象表現主義」為極致;後者,以蒙德里安為代表,加上日後的「低限主義」、「結構主義」,乃至俄國的「絕對主義」等,形成另一脈絡。



Since its germination in Europe during the first decade of the previous century, abstract art has developed Hot Abstract with an emphasis on expressiveness and Cold Abstract that focuses on the expression of rational thinking. The pinnacle of the former, heralded by Kandinsky, was the prevailing American Abstract Expressionism that came later, which displayed a quality of action; the latter, on the other hand, was emblematized by the works of Mondrian, and formed another route in abstract art joined by Minimalism, Structuralism and Russian Suprematism.  

The wave of abstract art surged in Taiwan with the Modern Painting Movement advocated by the Fifth Moon Art Group and the Ton Fan Art Group in 1957. After the 1960s, abstract ink painting became popular; its grammatological brushstrokes and inking charm demonstrated a tendency towards Hot Abstract, and has been viewed as the most recognizable style in Taiwanese abstract art. Nevertheless, the Punto Art Movement was introduced the island by the Ton Fan Art Group no later than 1962, which had already taken root by then. The movement puts its emphasis on various Eastern philosophical aspects, such as “silent observation” and “Zen thinking,” and presented creations with minimal and geometric elements similar to Cold Abstract. Within this artistic wave, Ho Kan has been one of the representative artists.  

Minimalism.Cold Abstraction - Contemporary Abstract Art in Taiwan features nine Taiwanese artists whose works created from the 1960s onward have embodied Cold Abstract tendencies. They are Ho Kan, Tsong Pu, Chu Teh-I, Hu Kun-Jung, Dino Tsai, Liu Yung-Jen, Song Sheau-Ming, Keng Hao-Kang and Wu Tung-Lung. The exhibition surveys the achievements of these Taiwanese abstract artists, and is another exquisite exhibition enriched with stylistic characteristics and academic insights among the series abstract exhibitions presented by Remarkable Art Gallery. 

霍剛   HO, Kan (1932-)
1953   畢業於台北師範學校(今國立台北教育大學)藝術科 
1964    移居義大利米蘭,2014定居台北

抽象 2018-002 Abstract 2018-002 
2018 100x80cm Oil on Canvas

莊普    TSONG, Pu  (1947-)
1978  畢業於西班牙馬德里大學藝術學院 
1992   台北現代美術雙年展獎 ,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣

晴日換雨 The Poetics of the Quotidian 
2017 194x130cm(x3) Acrylic on Canvas

曲德義  CHU, Teh-I  (1952-)
1983  法國國立高等設計學院美術設計碩士 
1984  法國國立高等美術學院造型美術碩士

位離D1611  Dislocation D1611 
2016 162x130cm, 162x65cm Acrylic on Linen

胡坤榮  HU, Kun-Jung  (1955-)
1981   畢業於國立台灣藝術專科學校美術科 
1984   中國現代繪畫新展望優選,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣
初雪 First Snow 
2010 95X90 cm Acrylic on Canvas 

蔡志榮   Dino TSAI (1957-)
2014  第28屆亞洲國際美術展,金門,台灣 
2015  第30屆 ASROP 國際藝術展覽會,南韓
符語編碼7 Code Language System
2013 194.5cm x 131cm 

劉永仁  LIU, Yung-Jen  (1958-)
1983  畢業於文化大學美術學系 
1995  義大利國立米蘭Brera藝術研究院碩士
結晶祕行之二 Secret Journey of the Crystal II 
2016 260x194cm piombo,beeswax,canvas

宋曉明  SONG, Sheau-Ming (1967-)
2002  美國紐約市立大學藝術創作碩士 
2008  英國國立蘭卡斯特大學視覺藝術博士
困惑 Perplexity 
2015 112x145.5 cm Oil and acrylic on Belgium linen 

耿晧剛  KENG, Hao-Kang  (1969-)
1993  畢業於東海大學美術學系 
2002  義大利國立米蘭Brera藝術學院碩士
2016 150x90 cm Acrylic on Canvas

吳東龍  WU, Tung-Lung  (1976-)
1998  畢業於國立台灣藝術學院美術系 
2004  畢業於國立台南藝術學院造形藝術研究所碩士
2016 120X150cm Oil on canvas board

Venue: 耘非凡美術館|台南市東區林森路一段370號 
Opening: 2018.07.22 14:00 
Forum: 2018.08.19 14:00 
Album Launch: 2018.09.30 14:00 

Venue: 采泥藝術|台北市敬業一路128巷48號1樓 
Opening: 2018.07.29 14:00 
Forum: 2018.08.26 14:00
