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有一種寧靜 -亞億藝術空間


開幕茶會:2019.11.09 (六) 3 pm
展覽時間:2019.11.09 - 12.01
展覽地點:亞億藝術空間 AHM Gallery

葉方 Yeh Fang
Baptiste Tavernier
湯柏鏗 Tong Pak Heng

葉方 Yeh Fang | 時空奏鳴曲 Sonata of Time and Space
油彩畫布 Oil on canvas | 162X130cm (兩幅) | 2011

Baptiste Tavernier | 枯山水 Zen Garden
Acrylic, Posca, branches on shikishi | 53 x 48 cm | 2019

湯柏鏗 Tong Pak Heng | 爾雅
膠彩紙本、純⾦泥 | 13 x 10 cm (共兩件) | 2019

隨著科技的時代來臨,「有一種寧靜」聯展,以現代人在充滿虛擬及現實資訊的生活壓力下,每天必須接觸大量的訊息,不斷的反覆儲存、更新、刪除已成為潛意識運作的一環。透過藝術家葉方、Baptiste Tavernier、湯柏鏗的創作讓觀者在欣賞的同時能拋開一切煩惱與壓力,寧靜的與自我心靈之間對話。

葉方Yeh Fang

Baptiste Tavernier
Baptiste Tavernier新的系列創作,從混亂和污染的背景中,出現了禪宗花園。耙子將礫石悄悄地梳成線和圈,然後頭腦慢慢清理乾淨。由於有害信息的浪潮不斷襲擊大腦,因此大腦面臨著巨大的污染,從而觸發了計時和神經噬菌體的綜合機制。腐敗正在蔓延。花園仍然脆弱,但隨著大腦探究其簡單而純淨的線條,花園變得越來越堅固。

湯柏鏗 Tong Pak Heng

As people welcome the high-tech era into our society, we have to adapt to the new lifestyle of the modern world: the pressure lied between a virtual world and real information, the mass data we must receive every day, and the repeating process of saving, updating, and deleting. Through the works of the three artists, Yeh Fang, Baptiste Tavernier, and Tong Pak Heng, audiences can release the stress of everyday life and focus on finding their inner peace.

In Yeh Fang's artworks, she mixes abstract ideas about the pas de deux of dreams and realities—be it metaphorical, intuitive, illusory, or real—and incorporate the juxtaposition of realities and concepts into the organization of my paintings. By doing so, “visual perceptions” and the“mind” are brought together, and she is able to find an appropriate balance and a spiritual (psychic) power of penetration hidden behind an“object”. Although this method can be traced back to artistic and academic theories, this exploration into “one's innermost thoughts” remains an important subject to artists, including her.

Baptiste Tavernier's new series from a chaotic and polluted background, a Zen Garden emerges. A rake quietly combs the gravel into lines and circles, and the mind slowly cleans out. Brains face an enormous amount of pollution as tides of noxious information assault them constantly, triggering a combined chronophage and neurophage mechanism. The corruption runs deep. The garden is still fragile but grows stronger as the cerebra probe its simple and pure lines.

Neorealism artist Yves Klein once said, “Blue has no dimensions; it is beyond dimensions, whereas the other colors are not... All colors arouse specific associative ideas... While blue suggests at most the sea and sky, and they, after all, are in actual, visible nature what is most abstract.”
Tong Pak Heng’s new works use goldfish to symbolize human. The background changes from golden leaf to a single blue color and visual awareness replaces the switching of spaces. What we perceive as real could also be a representation of unreal. On his canvas, goldfish do not locate in absolute time or space. To the viewers, the meaning it represents is limitless, thus creates the impression of an illusive space.

亞億藝術空間 AHM Gallery
開放時間 Time|每日13:00-19:00 (週一公休) 
