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落款簽名:Alex Alemany




Alex Alemany was born on January, 1943 in Gandia (Valencia).He studied Fine Arts between 1961 and 1966 at the “Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos” in Valencia. Francisco Lozano, Enrique Ginesta, Genaro Lahuerta and Felipe Mª Garin, among others, were his teachers.
In 1965 he traveled to Paris to expand studies with contemporary artists. In 1966 he repeated this experience, prolonging their stay in France.
In 1968, Alex Alemany increased his studies in London at the National Portrait Gallery. Until 1970; he traveled abroad and experienced several pictorial trends, mainly abstract expressionism.
During these years of youth he embraced several avant-garde trends, plunging into the mainstream until he found a style of his own, increasingly more consistent with his sensitive poetic touch.
In 1970 he painted the first works which reverted to realism, intuitively and successfully perceiving the movement embraced and followed by other international artists, known as “Magic realism”. From 1975 to 1978 was settled in Madrid, alternating portraits with their work of surrealist trend.

1943年一月出生於瓦倫西亞的甘迪亞(Gandia, Valencia, 位於西班牙東邊地中海沿岸中部的大城)。
1961 ~ 1966年就讀瓦倫西亞的皇家美術學院 “Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos”(西班牙皇家聖查爾斯瓦倫西亞美術學院Spanish for Saint Charles Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Valencia)主修美術。由Francisco Lozano、Enrique Ginesta、 Genaro Lahuerta和Felipe Mª Garin等多位當代名師親自教導。
1970年之前,他走訪海外體驗多種繪畫趨勢,特別專注於抽象表現主義(Abstract Expressionism)。Alex Alemany 早年試著擁抱幾種前衛畫派,也不忘跳入主流藝術裡面去尋找,目的就是為了找出自己的風格,來吻合自身有如詩意般的敏銳感受。1970年,他畫出了回歸到寫實主義的第一批作品,並立即受到以“魔幻寫實主義”(Magic realism)聞名的其他國際藝術家的關注。自1975到1978年定居馬德里,以超現實主義的另類肖像畫畫家來自我定位。

Alex Alemany’s realism (and in some of his work, his hyper-realism) kept drifting towards an unmistakable style of his own resulting from personal introspection, gradually becoming more and more distant from the coldness of other realist concepts with a strong influence of photography as American realism was. Alemany’s work is the missing link between poetry and painting. Exploring his own sensations, feelings and concepts, he conveys them with the credibility of his precious technique, enabling us to participate in the climate of his painting, and to identify with the things he wants to tell us through his work, metaphoric poetry, subconscious images and oneiric world.

透過不斷地內在自省,Alex Alemany逐漸確認出他獨有的寫實主義風格 (有些作品甚至是超寫實主義),並與當時寫實主義的主流 -- 美國式的照相寫實主義,分道揚鑣,原因是他覺得美式的照相寫實主義太冷峻了!Alex Alemany的作品可說是詩歌和繪畫之間的鏈接。他將他自己的覺知、感動與觀想,透過他那值得信賴的高超寫實技法,讓我們可以進入他的創作氛圍裡面,了解他作品所述說的那些隱喻詩歌、潛意識圖像與夢幻世界。

Denoting deep poetic content, the elements and shapes of his works are treated with “poetic licence” and the symbolism used is so subtle that it captures the viewer, stimulating his capacity to interpret. This is work which can produce any effect, except indifference, and the language used contributes to a richer interpretation. His eclectic aspirations led him to sporadic incursions into other styles: formalistic compositions, social painting, expressionism, etc...
Through his work, we can find many portraits showing us his love for the human figure. Even in this difficult way of painting, Alex Alemany has been able to include the poetry of his work, giving the portrait not only the physical aspect of the human being but also the personality and the psychological profile, far from the “academic portrait”.

如詩般的畫作,Alex Alemany作品的內在元素與外在形狀被視為“詩的破格”(意即為了求得更好的效果而可以不遵守韻律、 文法、 邏輯等的特殊寫法),所使用的象徵意義是如此微妙地抓住觀眾,激發觀眾的想像力。解讀他的畫無庸多言,任何人都可以有他自己的解釋。他不拘一格的期望也讓他融合到其他畫派如:形式主義、社會畫派、表現主義等。縱觀其作品,我們可以發現Alex Alemay 對人物肖像畫的熱愛。即使是用這種精雕細琢般的繪畫方式,他還是能夠將詩意表現在他的創作中,賦與肖像畫不僅僅是人物形體上的描繪,而且也呈現出主角的個性和心理狀態,遠遠有別於傳統的“學院派人物畫”。

Among his portrait gallery, we can find Their Majesties, Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofia, the King and Queen of Spain, and also H.M. Felipe, King of Spain as well as other authorities.

在他的肖像畫藝廊裡,我們可以看到西班牙國王Don Juan Carlos與Doña Sofia王后、西班牙王子H.R.H Felipe,以及王室家族成員與其他權貴人物等等。 Alex Alemay所有的作品分屬於私人收藏家、公共機構和博物館。他從未參加過任何關於藝術方面的競賽或追求任何獎項,他只在乎有沒有好好發揮上帝賦予他的創造力。

Alex Alemany’s complete work belongs to private collectors, public institutions and museums. He has never participated in any contest or applied for painting prizes. From 1993 to 2004 Alex Alemany was the president of the “The Fine Art Circle” and he was selected as a member of the “Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana” in October 1998. Nowadays, he lives and works in Valencia.

從1993年到2004年Alex Alemany 連續擔任“The Fine Art Circle”的主席。1998年10月他被選為“Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana” 瓦倫西亞皇家文化學院的會員。如今,他居住與工作都在瓦倫西亞Valencia (瓦倫西亞自治區的首府,西班牙第三大城)。

Alex Alemany的作品

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